Hi to all engineers in this list. I would like to thank you all for answering my previews questions. Special thank to: Andrew Warren, Mike Keitz, Charles Hoss and Xygax. Today i have more questions. 1. I have two picmasters emulators in one pc can i use both of them at the same time. I tried changing the address each one works ok. 2. when you program any pic software generates checksum how does it work. before loading the file is it possible to calculate checksum? 3. I have hitachi HD44780 display can i drive it directly connected from pic outputs. 4. in configuration line how do you set code protection on __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _XT_OSC & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF I checked in include file is not there. 5. in special instruction mnemonics what does this instruction do bsf/bcf 0a,3 long goto bsf/bcf 0a,4 goto k 6. does any body have any idea how motorcycles engine's advanced curve works using hall effect cell. i have a unit based on other processor it has one hall cell and two outputs. hall cell is sitting on TDC top dead center of the board on cam shaft there are two magnets one south polarity the other one is north polarity. when hall cell reaches S output triggers 1 when reaches N triggers 0. S magnet is sitting on TDC of cam shaft but N magnet is sitting on 65% off. one thing I imagine that we need a counter. thank you Andre Abelian