Congratulations on a creating a truly magnificent icon of nerdmanship! No really, I love it. I thought my solar-powered propeller beanie concept would make me a geek amongst geeks, but that kind of clock could be left upon my parent's mantelpiece to advertise their son's cringing technogeekiness to any visitors they invite. I mean, you can't ignore it whirring noisily away. But wait! I've an idea, and its as hot as my pants! Why not combine the two ideas into a head-mounted propeller-beanie clock? The LED-bearing arms of your clock hang down in front of the wearers eye's, indicating the time, and scrolling text. As a bonus, it would deter/swat most insects, and attract fireflies to enhance your light show. I've always thought that there is some sign above me (visible only to women) saying "this person is an engineer, do not date!" With the headware described above, I can display any message I like! This could be the biggest thing since pheromone sprays! Race you all to the patent office!