Hello Everybody! I'am planning to make a beer meter... (yes, I'm a student!). The teachers on school couldnt hel;p becuase they never worked with a PIC. Well, I'm als quite new to PIC's so don't blame me if thiz is a stupid question... The fluidmeter gives 2800 pulses a liter. I want the fluid meter connect to the rtcc PIn (RA4). Questions: I set the Timer0 overflow intrrupt but. (T0IE). WHat happens if TMR0 goes from 255 to 0? Does my program starts at org 0? I dont know exactly what a Intrupt is doing... TMR0 cannot be 1:1? Greetz, Radboud Verberne. ICQ: 918640 (I Seek You) AX25: NL1DDU@NL3SMG.NBO.NLD.EU (27.405Mhz) PE1RUH@PI8SHB.#NBO.NLD.EU (144.925Mhz) Yes! I've succeeded my Radio Examenation! My call is PE1RUH! I've rebuilt a Teletron T813 and i'm most of the time QRV on 145.2125 or 145.7000 (Relais Eindhoven). S-Mail: Eerste Vijverstraat 6 5258 HR Berlicum, The Netherlands Phone: +31-73-503-4733 "Er is hier niks te doen, maar begin er maar alvast mee..."