Most cities of any reasonable size have companies that will grind you a crystal for any frequency you like; this is probably gonna set you back $20 or so for one crystal, though. > ---------- > From: Javier E. Valera Garcia[SMTP:jevgdg@AMAUTA.RCP.NET.PE] > Reply To: pic microcontroller discussion list > Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 9:17 AM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: [OT] Looking for 10.245Mhz Cristal Oscilators > > Dear Piclisters: > I am working on an FM dual conversion FM receiver that uses a > PLL > programmed via a PIC microcontroler for the channel selection. In > order to > get the second IF frequency from 10.7Mhz to 455 Khz I need to have a > local > oscilator that runs at 10.245Mhz. > > Could somebody tell me where can i buy some of this Xtals... > > Thanks in advanced, > > Javier >