>>I would have to agree with Chris Brown on this. Not everyone reads their >mail in a browser. HTML attachments, even .gif, and .jpeg are in my opinion >unsuitable for piclist. I've learned the hard way about reading the piclist >on my Linux box...simply because of the 5-10 pages of garbage even the >smallest html file attachment creates. The best solution would be either to >ftp circuit schematics from a designated place or to post a URL. That way >at least the person reading the piclist would have the choice to read >his/her mail in the way that best suits him...without having to pray that >someone hasn't attached .gifs, .bmps ,etc to what they thought was mail. How about an FTP site associated with the list, so that everyone can post their attachments there and avoid the endless complaints about mail polluted by attachments? Would MIT do that? It's a logical extension of this list. And there I would suggest .pdf files. Bruce