It occurs to me this would make a good "joint" programming challenge for the wizards on this list. Code a Manchester decoder (preferably without interrupts) in as few instructions as possible. Ideally, the clock speed of the bit stream should be irrelevant so another device talking to the decoder would not have to worry about stringent timing requirements. This would be a usefull addition to most peoples "toolbox", a 1 pin solution for sending data to a PIC, with the timing insensitivity of I2C, but again, with only one pin. Of course, it would not be a "BUS" like I2C, just a one way serial link. This would probably be very useful in IR and RF link apps too. Any takers? Martin. On Fri, 9 Jan 1998 15:13:26 -0600, John Payson wrote: > > >If people use PLL's to sync on "the middle" of bits, all the more power >to them; even with Manchester coding as you describe it, though, I'd think >it easier and more reliable to read things as long and short pulses, and >then try to interpret the long/short pulse strings. Martin R. Green To reply, remove the NOSPAM from the return address. Stamp out SPAM everywhere!!!