True, I am sending square waves. But at the receiver I have an opamp-based filter/amplifier, so I got kind of confident about the square wave problem. One extra information: it seems that on the great majority of times the decoder misses the 2300 Hz separator tone... Thanks again. Pedro. At 20:41 07/01/98 -0800, you wrote: >Square waves are taboo on the phone lines. The bandwidth is only about 300 >to 3000 Hz, and your square waves are making lots of harmonics than can be >confused with a higher transmit frequency. In addition, the higher >harmonics, sampled at 8 kilohertz will alias down to the 300-3000 Hertz >range and cause additional distortion of the signal you want to detect. >Create sine waves, or low pass filter your square wave, and you will >probably eliminate most of the problems you are having with various phone >lines.