>>You ever try the CD ROM version? Its not even worth $0.35! A really bad >>search engine, FAX quality scanned pages, slow as I don't know what. I > >You should see the 98 edition. > >Andy > My quarrel with directories like EEM is that they are enormous ripoffs. They are totally advertiser driven. The publisher is squeezing big bucks from the vendors to give them favorable exposure, the more bucks the bigger the splash, no matter what the actual relative worth of the product. Charging way more for the CD-ROM version is symptomatic of their mentality. If it's supposed to be more useful, it ought to be worth a bigger gouge, even though it actually costs them a lot less. OTOH, they can be a very useful resource, if you get them for free, and if you realize that the best product for your application may not even be listed because the manufacturer didn't fork over the fee. Reg Neale