Seems someone is always wanting to know about Do It Yourself Programmers for the 16F84. Among the many out there, I decided to build Steve Marchant's There is both WIN95 and DOS SW available for this design. This is to just to pass on the word that the circuit has worked fine for me for 10 programming cycles of a 16F84 so far. If you decide to build it: 1) Make sure that you verify that the 555 is operating at or near 250Khz. The 555 that I grabbed out of the junk box would only go to 100Khz so I replaced it with an available 1Mhz oscillator and 74LS74. 2) Be sure to install CX, a .001uF capacitor between pin 12 (programming clk) and ground even if your target device is located right on the programmer. This was the last fix I had to make to get it to work and removing this part (twice) as a test caused it to fail in my circuit. 3) Don't skimp on bypass caps! 4) I decided to use an LM317 adjustable between 12 and 14 volts for the Vhh circuit. I think Steve's diagram only showed a 12 volt regulator. I think this is the lower limit recommended, so I adjust mine for about 13 volts. The DOS version uses the __CONFIG and ID directives, so if you use the file from MPASM and set these appropriately, the Power up Timer will be programmed correcly, but will show up reversed in the verify cycle. The Config Location does not verify as it should (3FF1 in my case). I will be in contact with Steve to find out what is really going on. I suspect this is really OK. Does anyone have a clue what might be happening? Good Luck