Hello, friends. I need some help. In this project I am involved with, I have to send certain numbers through the phone line. Since it is just a few numbers each time, I decided not to use a modem chip, and just code my digits in 3 frequencies (440 Hz, 1400 Hz, 2300 Hz) right out of the processor. Basically, what I do to send the code "32" is send 3 pulses (100 ms each) of 1400 Hz, one pulse of 2300 Hz (same duration) as a separator, and then 2 more pulses of 1400 Hz. Pulses are separated by a 100ms silence. Roughly, that's what I am doing. Could not be simpler. Concerning the hardware, I have a strong clear signal going out and a beautiful square wave at the receiver's opamp output. I am decoding these frequencies by measuring the pulse width. If the result is the same for, say, 5 consecutive measurements, then the corresponding frequency is validated. Well, it works great... in some phone lines. And not so great in others, specially if both phones are separated by a greater distance. I don't know why, but the decoder tends to miss some pulses in this situation. Why this is happening ? Someone told me that it would be better to fill the 100 ms silences with some frequency, just to keep feeding signal to my receiver's amplifier. I don't think it makes much sense, though... Any help will be much appreciated. Pedro.