> > In the USA, the symbols @#$%^&* and such all run closely together as you > > did would be used to denote expletives. I don't know about other > > countries, perhaps it is the same elsewhere. > > > > Basically, you just told the Americans on the list that you have no > regard > > for them and wish them a terrible year. > > Geez Andy loosen up. This is the global village. If Vishram, says "@#$%^&*" > > say "Gee thanks Vishram and same to ya!"...GJ Andy was not attacking Vishram; he was merely trying to prevent Vishram from potentially embarassing himself in future. A couple of related examples: [1] A foreign student at my college had been given a windbreaker with a cartoon figure of a cat and the words (in large letters): "MAX: The best little cat-house in Nevada". She strutted this gift proudly until someone discretely informed her that a "cat-house" was not a feline residence (for those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to a house of prostitution which is legal in Nevada). [2] Heard second-hand, but related: A person was trying to hitchhike in a foreign country (Egypt I think) using the American "thumb's up" ges- ture. The person got honked at, but nobody offered a lift until fin- ally a polite motorist stopped and said "You're an American, aren't you. Around here, the hitch-hiking signal is [waving palms down]. The ges- ture you were using means 'f___ you'. I'm not surprised motorists didn't take kindly to that."