For maximum stability (PLL synthesis) and quality, as well as a reasonable price ($75 US), try the MPX96 from North country Radio (, which was featured in the June '97 issue of Electronics Now magazine. CIAO - Martin On Tue, 6 Jan 1998 20:19:46 -0700, "Eric W. Engler" wrote: >>> I know that it is old like world, but can you sugest me a schematic >>> of FM receiver (the freq is about 150 MHz). I should be as simpler as >>> it can be (I prefer one-chip with some capacitors, resistors etc.). >> >> On the subject, does anyone have plans for an FM transmitter, >around the >>bottom of the >>FM band, around 90MHZ. It needs to be a little better than 2 transistor, >>range is important, >>would like at least 500meters open air, more if possible, and stability is >>important. Thanks for any info. TTYL > >Get the FM-10 kit from Ramsey. They are highly rated, and fairly cheap. >They also have a better model for tighter freq control (it has a PLL). > >Eric Engler Martin R. Green To reply, remove the NOSPAM from the return address. Stamp out SPAM everywhere!!!