Hello Mark, You are on the PicList, that's how we all got the message. We always use the following standards of order when writing micro code: Title (Including subtitle with version number) Version History with major version accomplishments indicated (Coded, Tested, Documented) External Macro Includes Internal Macros Program Operation Switches ("Conditional Compile Switches") Comments including Pin-Outs and unusual conditions Ram Definitions [We use relative definitions rather than absolute] Bit Definitions Constant Equates Program Code (with no embedded numbers) (All code blocks Commented and most lines) We find this arrangement allows [relatively] easy transfer of code and reaquaintance with the code after an absence. This is important because we generally do consulting work for customers and have the obligation to leave a product that can be supported by them or us. Tom Does anyone have any example code that shows the correct order for include files, macros, equates, subroutines etc etc that I could use/adapt for a template code structure ?? Please feel free to email me directly with the code as I can't seem to get onto the PICLIST at present.