I've put a gigabyte disk in mine and a 16MB ram upgrade (total 20MB). The only thing I miss is the math co-processor. Putting in the disk was a piece of cake. The first time I turned it on after the the disk change a message box appeared and asked if I wanted to format the new disk! If only all IBM clones were so friendly. >>There is an Aero discussion group at "aisb.lists.aero". You might try >>posting a message to the group. > >Thanks. I'll give it a shot. > >>It's funny how these little obsolete machines continue to be so useful. I >>use mine all the time. > >I love it. I wish I had more than 12M in it, a second PCMCIA slot, and I >would love to upgrade to a real HD, but it definitely is nice being able to >put it, a programmer, and a scope (TEK THS720) into my briefcase with room >to spare. > >>Jim Ham, Porcine Associates > >You must have a good sense of humor. > >Andy > Jim Ham, Porcine Associates (415)326-2669 fax(415)326-1071 "http://www.porcine.com"