IMHO, I think you can do this. Being an I2C master is easy to do in software. All PICs to date bit-bang I2C master behaviour. Even the PICs with I2C hardware. Being an I2C slave is not so easy to do in software. You'd need to spend all your time watching the I2C signals. Or have the low-going edge of the SCL signal interrupting the CPU so the CPU can hold SCL low to 'wait-state' the bus. For this reason, if you want a PIC to be an I2C slave, the I2C hardware helps a lot. Because bit-banging the master behaviour is so easy, it is wiser just to implement the I2C slave behaviour in hardware. Which is exactly what Microchip have done. This has annoyed quite a few people who feel this is like being told a micro has a UART and then finding out this is receive-only and you have to bit-bang serial transmission. In practice, it's not such a big deal because I2C master transmissions are much faster and less time-critical than RS232. Where Microchip refer to "I2C interface hardware", substitute the text ""I2C slave interface hardware". They really should be more explicit about this. Beware of the following! This will save you days or weeks, of frustration. 1: Hardware If you read Microchip's description of the SSP, there is no way to get it to work! See my previous postings about the SSP as an I2C slave. 2: Software If you read Microchip's application note (AN557 I2C multimaster environment), the code does not work! It does not correctly handle wait states when reading data from a slave. When it tries to let SCL go high, the slave is entitled to hold SCL low to wait-state the I2C master (i.e. the PIC). When their code sees this happen, it (wrongly) responds by writing an error code to a PIC data register. Microchip know about point 1, I can forgive them making mistakes. I can't forgive them not telling customers and their own tech support engineers about them. I had to chase that problem all the way to a chap at their fabrication plant! You have been warned! Be ever alert for Microchip errors. BTW, what kind of instruments do you make?