Cedric O Von Bruiser wrote: > How many current Embeded Applications Handbooks are there > and what are the titles ? Cedric: The current "Embedded Control Handbook" is the 1994/1995 edition. There have been two updates to the ECH... The first, published in 1995, is called "Microchip ECHB Update I: 1995/1996 Supplement"; the second, published in April 1997, is called "Embedded Control Handbook Volume 2: Math Library". The "Serial EEPROM Handbook", which contains data sheets and appnotes for Microchip's serial EEPROMs, has not been updated since 1994; it seems to have been replaced by the "Non-Volatile Memory Products Data Book", last published in October 1996, which includes all the data sheets but omits the appnotes. -Andy === Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com === Fast Forward Engineering - Vista, California === http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499