On Sat, 3 Jan 1998 14:53:44 -0500 Herbert Graf writes: > I was wondering if you could send me the info yoy have on >DMX512, protocol >specs, timing diagrams, schematics, hardware details, anything really. >Thanks for any info. TTYL > A good source for this info is "Recommended Practice for DMX512" by Adam Bennette. As I recall, info on ordering it is available at the USITT web site. Here's a quick summary... Connector 5 pin XLR 1 - shield 2 - data complement 3 - data true 4 - spare data complement 5 - spare data true Electrical Levels EIA 485 (0 volts and 5 volts), 120 ohm characteristic impedance Data rate 250 Kbps Byte format 1 start bit 8 data bits no parity 2 stop bits Frame format break - 88uS min mark after break - 8 uS min Start code (generally 0x00) - 1 byte Data bytes - 24 (min) to 512 Mark before break - 8uS min (corresponds to 2 stop bits of last byte) Harold