I thought I would try to avoid going into the office to download the 5Meg MPLAB and I am trying to get by with MPSIM without the docs for my first simple program tonight. Can someone help me get over this first hump with these two simple questions. 1) The code below is from a sample known working program with P16C54 specidied in the assembler code. It loads into mpsim OK. The code sets OPTION for 00000111 in order to use a prescaler of 1/256 and clock TMR0 from the instruction clock. In either single step or execute mode, the code loops as it should in the "d2" loop, but TMR0 never decrements according to the simulator's display. I am allowing it to run 64K + instructions. One confusing clue is that during one execution the WDT expired. What might I be doing wrong here. org 1FF goto start org 0 ; delay movlw 0x08 ;522ms delay movwf count d1 movlw 0x01 movwf TMR0 d2 movf TMR0,w btfss status,z goto d2 decfsz count goto d1 retlw 0x00 start movlw b'00000111' ;TMR0 = internal, prescaler = 1/256 option clrf port_a clrf port_b call delay 2) In my own program I have specified a P16F84 in the assembler. This compiles without errors or warnings. However, when I go to load this into MPSIM, I get a "Cannot Pre-Assign target device" message. The only thing I can think of is that this DOS version of MPSIM that I downloaded from the microchip WEB site this week does not support the P16F84. Can someone tell me what is happening?