Peter Gee wrote: > > Hi > I am thinking of designing an electronic speed controller for a remote control car using a PIC. I have a number of ideas at the moment, but my favourite is to use the microchip application notes for creating a pwm (an654) with the 16f84, then convert the incoming pulse into a pwm stream. >> Any hints at all, from choice of mosfets, noise considerations, to programming tips would be greatly appreciated. > > Regards, > > Pete I work on the same project now , so maybe we can help each other 1 I plan to use a 12c508 because the pwm doesn't have to be too accurate , it's cheap , I have a bunch of it in the box 2 the first step of the project is to measure the min/max pulse width transmitted by the receiver 3 simulate it with a stamp - for easy testing 4 find the data sheets for the part IRL2203 (I opened a competition speed control and 6 of these makes the drive) the unit was rated at 40 amps (I don't think it's true , but who cares - I want to make a unit just as tuff as the pro-one) if I could know the exact data of the IRL I could seach for a H bridge of the same rating :) 5 make the lookup table for the drive 1 forward at the desired pwm rate 2 neutral (free run - lever at neutral position) 3 brakes on (short circuit the motor inputs) 4 reverse (just as the forward option) that's all bye charley