Jim Dolson wrote: > > Can anyone recommend a good in-circuit programmer for the 16F84? > > Thanks, > Jim Dear Mr. Dolson, as I read in your mail to the PIC-LIST, you are looking for a In-Circuit PIC-programmer Maybe we can help here ? Our P16PGD is able to program over 45 different PIC-chips. And it is very easy to implement new PICs, simply add them to the parameter list. It is very low priced (only 198 DM) and it comes complete with the powersupply, the connecting wires and so on. The software is also included (it is shareware !) and it is updated on a regular bases. It can also be used as an ISP, this only depends on your hardware. If the peripheral components affect the programming I/O, then it will be very difficult to do ISP. Have a look at our site at : http://www.git-online.de/home/bam-mon sorry, it's only in german right now, but it will be available in english soon. If you need more information, just contact us. with best regards (and a happy new year !) R. Monsees bam-mon@git-online.de -- BAMBERG & MONSEES GbR Systeme f|r Wissenschaft und Technik Am Postmoor 36 * D-28719 Bremen Fon +49-421-646775 * Fax +49-421-646785