Thanks to all for recent contributions on the subject of RB change interrupts, I thought I had bypassed that by using the spare pins as outputs, little suspecting a simple write would be preceded by a read! Kalle's suggestion of using TRIS is great. However, not wishing to be awkward, but I am still uncertain as to whether there is a problem here at all - I was told by UK Microchip people this was "fixed" on all 'A' suffix parts in the 16C6x series, and that the 16C63 never suffered at all. If you look at the data book you will see 2 versions of the port B circuitry, the original being an asynchronous design, where you can see how the problem would arise, and the Mark II which uses 2 latches, clocked on different internal states. It seems to me this avoids the problem since these is now no vulnerable period where the port pin can change without setting RBIF. Maybe I should set up a rig to settle this once and for all? Slightly related, various other "features" of the PIC have been discussed here recently, which I had been told by Microchip UK techies had been "fixed". I am now nervous about whether this is indeed true. Could the gurus comment on the status of these PIC gems: 1) The need to disable interrupts during table reads. AN556 suggests that if an interrupt occurs during a table read (using addwf ... retlw) then the retlw after the one you wanted may be accessed in error. I was told this is fixed, and no need to disable interrupts. 2) The need, when globally disabling interrupts, to check that they have indeed been disabled. AN576 (and the recent discussion) suggests this is necessary, again Microchip have told me this does not apply to 'A' suffix parts in the 16C6x series, or to the 16C63. Only the 16C61 suffers, and will not go to 'A' revision, use the 16C620/621 instead. (1) and (2) together would be a real pain if you have a lot of lookups (guess what I've got a lot of?). Anybody got any solid knowledge on this? -- Alan Hall, Ipswich, UK (01473) 652301