Carlos Gruber wrote: I can not get precise timing using > the Intel instruction set > because I don't know how long is each instruction and how many clock cycles are > necesary for its ejecution. In > the data sheet of 8086 family are a brief instruction set sumary but it not > include information detailed > (Syntax, operands, operation, status affected, encoding, description, words, > cycles, and examples) > Somebody of your know a list, usenet or a web addres useful for me? > Carlos, I do not recommend that you use SW loops that depend on instruction clock cycles for your timing loops. This is very complex in with an Intel CPU because of the instruction piplining, memory wait states and varying clock speeds. There are three better ways. 1) Learn to use one of the PCs internal timers to produce an interrupt at known intervals. You will need to dig into the PC HW and Peripheral chip programming specs for this. I have used this method in a DOS application successfully many years ago and do not remember all of the details. If you choose to go this route and have specific questions, I can help you. 2) Put a convenient reference clock on your external circuit and connect it to a Parallel port input pin so that it can be polled. Your SW can count multiples of this clock rising and falling to create longer delays. Steve Marshon does this on his PIC16C84 programmer. I have used this in one of my projects as well. 3) Same as two, but connect the signal to a parallel port pin that can generate an IRQ to the PC on each clock cycle. I am sorry that I cannot be more specific without going back and doing some research. If you tell me more about your application, I can help you some more. 1) How many of the pins on the port must you use for your application. (Ins and Outs) 2) What kind of time delays are you looking for. 3) Are you building the external HW, or are you stuck with something that exists. 4) Is your program DOS or Windows? (3.1, 95, or NT). Good Luck John Montalbano