>Hello Lee, >Have I missed something here? Unless I am very wrong, you seem to be saying >that sqrt(x) = x*x >>(Pi - a + 0.5 * Sin(2a) )^1/2 = ( Pi^2 - a^2 + 0.25 * Sin^2(2a) ) >Regards, >Ross McKenzie >Melbourne Australia Yes I have really messed up here guys !. I tried to solve the equation several ways on paper and copied the wrong solution down in a hurry (honest !). This is what I meant: (Pi - a + 0.5 * Sin(2a) )^1/2 sqrt(Pi - a + 0.5 * Sin(2a) ) Vo = ---------------------------------------- = ---------------------------------------- Pi Pi (Pi*Vo)^2 = (Pi - a + 0.5 * Sin(2a) ) etc. etc. etc. Sorry for the mess-up. Lee Hewitt =================================================== Lee Hewitt Manchester ENGLAND Home E-Mail: LHewitt104@aol.com University E-Mail: L.Hewitt@eee.salford.ac.uk ===================================================