In message <>, Mike Keitz writes: I should have mentioned I am using the 16C6x family and have just realised the discussion may have been about 16C5x. Does this have any bearing on things? My understanding from the 16C6x book is that the 'A' versions of this family have no problem with reading the port causing lost interrupts? I use the other 6 bits of PORTB to drive LED's which are written asyncronously to the interrupt servicing, so this would be a worry. I was intrigued to learn a RETURN used to perform a hidden access to PORTB, it confirms my view (as an ageing Intel hippy) that the PIC is a pretty wierd machine. I also didn't know (am I alone?) that clrw is really clrf n,w. I thought it was a real instruction. What a mine of information! (Is this really in the book somewhere?) Regards to all, -- Alan Hall, Ipswich, UK (01473) 652301