Jean, use the online help for MPLAB and look up Pin Stimulus. The first line must start with STEP and then the pin names that you want to activate. Be sure to use the names that are appropriate for the device that you are using; ie RB0 RA3 etc. Under STEP you will enter the step count that you get by executing you program one step at a time with the STOPWATCH activated. When you get to a point in your program that you want a stimulus to occur enter the step number into the stimulus dialog with the action for the appropriate pin. Hope this helps, Gene. At 11:23 AM 12/23/97 +0100, you wrote: >Hello everybody, > > >I want use pin stimuli in MPLAB but i don't understand how it works. >What is step, PC ? In dec or in Hex ? >must i give level of each pin or only the one i want test action etc.. > >Thankyou for many good answers from you > >Merry Christmas > >Jean Karl Vinay > > > > Gene Norris E. Windsor, NJ USA