In a message dated 97-12-22 15:33:02 EST, you write: << There is another method, which I have tried, and it does work, but may offend the squeamish. It requires only 1 port pin. Basically it involves connecting the three switches through three different resistors to +5V. Values of say, 10K,22K and 47K would do, from memory. The other side of the switches is joined to form a rail, connected back to a schmitt trigger input on the PIC. A small capacitor (0.1uF) is connected to ground from this rail. >> Don't feel squeamish! This technique works well and is quite reliable. A lot of the old VCRs with wired remote use exactly this same trick. I have used it on several products. In fact in one case it totaly blew away an engineer that was hired to reverse engineer my design. He couldn't figure out how I used 1 bit to read a 5 position rotary switch, and wound up redesigning it from scratch!. I used a pic84 and a single PCB (This was all very small for a hand held medical instrument) He had to use a PIC73 and two boards sandwiched together! His design failed in the field because of surface mount connector failure between the two boards. They only made a hand full of his design and then went out of business! Good luck Dave Duley