I have the same error problem. The alternate driver from microchip helps a little, but i usually have to try about 10 times before the programmer is enabled and i can program the PIC. Keep trying over and over and see what happens. > Alvin Tan wrote: > > > > I just got myself a Picstart Plus development programmer. But > > evertime I tried to enable the programmer, I get an error message of " > > Please verify Serial and Power Connections and reset the Programmer > > [0020,01,00,88]. Am I doing something wrong? If anyone can help, It > > would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I am running it under Win95, 32MB > > RAM, on COM1. > > > There is an alternate PICSTART Plust driver on the Microchip web page. > This usually fixes communication problems like this. > > Darrel Johansen >