In a message dated 97-12-19 08:48:00 EST, you write: << I'm developing a battery operated device with 16C71 and I need the 16C71 to turn the power off. I thought in a transistor controlled by RA4. Please take a look in the attached file (just 2K) and say if it's safe. Or, does anyone have a better idea? Regards, Octavio >> Hello Octavio! I have accomplished this in the past using a voltage regulator with a powerup input. (Toko makes them as well as Maxim. Digikey sells them both) I havent looked at your file yet so the may be redundant but this tecnique worked well for my app. I has a momentary push button that turned the unit on. It stayed on for a [eriod of time and then turned itself off. The push button was wired to the Battery+ and to the power up of the regulator. The power up input of the regulator is also wired to a bit on the PIC. The first thing the software does on powerup is to turn that bit into an output and bring it true. This keeps the regulator turned on. When it is time to turn off, simply bring the output bit false and all turns off. If you need more just hollar. Dave Duley