For one thing, this circuit supplies the PIC with 9V (minus vce of the transistor of course) which will result in one thing: an unhappy PIC. You should have a voltage regulator somewhere in the circuit, preferably *after* the transistor (to cut down on the leakage current when power is off) If somebody complains about the ~8.3V seen on RA4 when power is off, see the thread elsewhere on the list lately talking about this. Brian -----Original Message----- From: Octavio Nogueira To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, December 19, 1997 8:45 AM Subject: How to turn it off >I'm developing a battery operated device with 16C71 and I need the 16C71 >to turn the power off. I thought in a transistor controlled by RA4. >Please take a look in the attached file (just 2K) and say if it's safe. >Or, does anyone have a better idea? > >Regards, > >Octavio >====================================================== >Octavio Nogueira - e-mail: > >"ProPic" Production PIC Programmer Windows under US$20 >====================================================== >