Do you have a PIC in the ZIF socket? I know I've seen this behavior on the Picstart Plus when I have a PIC in the socket... backwards. So try it without a PIC. Brian P.S. I don't know your experience level so: ZIF=Zero Insertion Force. The ZIF socket is just the IC socket on the outside of the Picstart Plus with the lever on it. You've used COM1 before, so you know it's working? Try it with a mouse or something. Just to get real basic: The 'Power' LED is lit isn't it? -----Original Message----- From: Alvin Tan To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, December 19, 1997 1:48 AM Subject: Need help on Picstart Plus development programmer? > I just got myself a Picstart Plus development programmer. But >evertime I tried to enable the programmer, I get an error message of " >Please verify Serial and Power Connections and reset the Programmer >[0020,01,00,88]. Am I doing something wrong? If anyone can help, It >would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I am running it under Win95, 32MB >RAM, on COM1. > > Thank You! > >Alvin