Err me again, Early in the new year I'm about to modify some timing clocks that I built 18 months ago, before my intro into the world of PIC. I've got the Microchip app note on a clock and multiplex driver, but without delving into the code, the question is how easy is it to get the (a) pic to time as a stopwatch as in 10s 1s:10ths 100ths of seconds. The actual timing does not need to be hyper accurate, if there is a slight error repeatability of the error is important. Also the display does not need to count up, mearly to display the time at the end of the timed period. Has anybody done this in PIC already? TIA, -- Philip Martin ---------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Quays If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit: North Shields. no use being a damn fool about it ! W.C. Fields email