Tom, The first thing I find myself checking these days is ground - is the *bleep* board grounded properly (this after 2 weeks of debugging a serial line only to find that a 2 inch oiece of wire was the solution :( ) Then, did I remember to plug in the chip/emulator. Then, did I remember to turn on the PSU :) All the idiotic things - mainly because I've been taught by that 16c74a that I am a functional idiot :) After that, in this case, the oscillator bits in the config word - is it set to XT or whatever is appropriate ? Then an oscilloscope on the OSC2 pin to make sure the clock is working ! Hope it helps some ... -- Mark Dennehy, B.A., B.A.I. Email : Research Student, Computer Vision and Robotics Research Group, Computer Science Dept., Trinity College Dublin