Keith, check out Circuit Cellar's web page at: They don't have the magazine on the web but they do have selected articles, article software, as well as subscription information. It's an excellent magazine. - Tom At 01:58 PM 12/17/97 +0000, you wrote: >Is Circuit Cellar INK available to download? >We could do with the gadget described, but I have not seen INK >on UK magazine racks. > >BTW, Elektor magazine had a contest for designs based on some new EPLD. >Among the winners was designs for LPT interfaced logic analysers. > >I found Ciarcia's articles (when he did them for Byte magazine) were >thought-provoking although I often saw ways they could be made better >and/or cheaper. The Elektor design probably requires you to buy the PCB >and EPLDs from Elektor. Dearer than the unprogrammed part, but cheap if >you don't have to design/layout your own PCB and design the EPLD logic >and write the Windows interface program. > >