Jim, IDT is probably the most popular FIFO vendor though the others mentioned in the article and Quality Semiconductor, have compatible products. Typical access times are 12-15ns. - Tom At 04:36 AM 12/17/97 -0800, you wrote: >i'm interested in making/buying this analyzer. It looks like >a good one at the right price. what access time does the fifo have >to be to capture the data at 20mhz rate? Is 50ns enough? How can >I easily get a single fifo at the right price? has anyone found >out which brand of fifo is best(AM7203,IDT7203 or LH540203) if >someone has a kit, i'd like to buy. looks like the sclk and the >*reset should be buffered tho. to capture 2k bytes at a 20mhz >rate then analyze thru the PC parallel port, sounds like something >i could use. > >>To all, >> I just picked up the December issue of Circuit Cellar, >>which contains a wonderful article from Francis Deck explaining >>his design for a very inexpensive LPT based-high speed logic >>analyzer. ......... > >