PIC List, I only casually read the recent thread on CRT memory, so if this has already been mentioned I apologize, but it looks like the perfect forum for this list's experts in the logistics of minutiae. Dr Dobbs Journal Jan. 1998 (pp. 18) " Three Programmers and a Baby To celebrate the 50th birthday of its "Baby", the prototype to the Manchester Mark I, the University of Manchester is sponsoring a programming contest. Tom Kilburn, who built Baby and wrote its first program is chairing the panel of judges. The winning entry will be run on a replica of Baby. Baby used a CRT memory that stored 32 32-bit words, had 7 instructions, and could execute 700 instructions per second. Its first program, determining the largest factor of 2^18 (sic) was 17 instructions long and took 52 minutes to run. The deadline for entering is March 31, 1998. More information is available at http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/prog98. -- Eugene Eric Kim " If programming PICs isn't practice for this what else is. Matt /*****************************************/ /* Matt Calder, Dept. of Statistics, CSU */ /* http://www.stat.colostate.edu/~calder */ /*****************************************/