Rick Dickinson asked for a copy of the I2C spec in pdf format. I don't have it yet, but we find the following useful: "Single-chip 8-bit Microcontrollers. User Manual 1988" "Philips Data Handbook IC12: I2C peripherals" The latter has info on Application notes about I2C I2C bus and how to use it (including specifications) Programming the I2C interface (Reprint of an article by Mitchell Kahn in Dr. Dobb's Journal, June 1992) Exploring I2C (Reprint of an article by Steven Sarns & Jack Woehr in Embedded Systems Programming, Sept 1991) Bit banging serial ports (Reprint of an article by Mark Gardner in Embedded Systems Programming, Sept 1993) Development tools Addresses of I2Cbus hardware manufacturers. Philips say this databook does not cover all the I2C chips around, not even all theirs. There are just so many these days. It covers a lot of their LCD drivers, which I don't see a great deal of. I guess people are happier with simple parallel-driven LCD chips.