15 Dec 97, zhuxh@cheerful.com writes to All: z> I am woundering if the code protection with PIC's is as secure as z> promised by Microchip? Yes, due to Microchip promise only, that code protection exists, and nothing about actual strength of code protection. z> as far as I know, there is a company in Beijin that offers service to z> help decode the Microchip's PICs. The cost is about US$1000 for each z> chip! The same service you can also found in Moskow, Russia. They promise any protected PIC code reverse engineering with cost lower, than $1000 (same price!) in one-two days. For PIC16C84 it can be done for almost free and for PIC16F8x price is lower, than $100. Probably, both companies use some technological backdoors in Microchip products. Sorry, I don't know any technical details, only see advertisiments and know some cases of the successfull using of this service. z> I am afriad my own coding with PICs will be copied by others one day. z> Do you have any idea on this? Is my worry unnecessary? The only things, that can protect you - change you product as frequently, as possible, add new features, new ideas and didn't try to obtain superprofit. If you need really protected product for security applications - use special security designed chips, not wide available microcontrollers. Alexey --- GoldED/2 2.50+