Hi All digital I/O on PICs have diode clamps on the inputs to protect them for this sort of damage. What you have to watch is where the PIC has inbuilt serial or analogue modules where they are not protected and can be hit by ESD. I found this out after blowing the serial and analogue modules in three 16C74 chips (JW to a total of £80) through not taking adequate static precautions in UV erasing the chips (as UV builds up charge on objects). Tim Kerby At 23:13 11/12/97 +0100, you wrote: >>>> Arialhello, ArialI have one question for all you guys/girls ArialIn a project with a PIC16C84 the inputs can be touched bij fingers, my question : how can i protect the i/o against ESD charges ? ArialKind regards, ArialRob Aerts <<<<<<<< ------------------------------------------------------------------ Personal Web Pages: http://web.ukonline.co.uk/members/tim.kerby/ Email: tim.kerby@ukonline.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------