If you are trying to print something from 16C74 it's really simple: #define IMP PORTD #define IMP_CLK PORTE,1 ;RE1 #define IMP_PO PORTE,0 ;RE0 #define IMP_RDY PORTE,2 ;RE2 LPrint: ; receive the byte to be printed in W btfsc IMP_RDY ;waits the printer to be ready goto $-1 movwf IMP bcf IMP_CLK ; pulse printer clock nop bsf IMP_CLK return That's it. Octavio ====================================================== Octavio Nogueira - e-mail: nogueira@mandic.com.br http://www.geocities.com/~oct_nogueira "ProPic" Production PIC Programmer Windows under US$20 ====================================================== -----Mensagem original----- De: R.C.Vandenbergh Para: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Data: Sexta-feira, Dezembro 12, 1997 12:46 Assunto: Driving parallel printer of a 16C74A ? >Hi, > >does anyone know where I might be able to get some example code or details >on how to interface a 16C74A to a parallel printer ? > >Thanks, > >Cedric >---- >Als je aan een meisje in een disco het uur vraagt, >weet ze meestal wel hoe laat het is. >