Once, out of curiousity, I read the EPROM of a commercial packet-radio TNC. I was surprised to find no ASCII text in it. I suspected the data bit lines had been jumbled up. There are two reasons to do this: 1. It obstructs people reverse engineering. But anyone can do as I did and buzz the connections between the CPU (a 63B01) and the EPROM bits. I wrote a tiny C program to read in the file, unjumble the bits, and writie it back. Presto! Readable ASCII and program code. 2. It is convenient for circuit-board layout. It's worth doing if it means the difference between single & double-sided PCBs. If you don't have the original hardware, you'll have to experiment. I think there are 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 = 40320 possible combinations. If they were really sneaky, they could jumble address lines too!