What you have is a classic Hex file. It is simply a binary image that has been converted into printable characters. A lot of device programmers work with this kind of file. This description is completely from memory, so some of it might be a little wrong. Every line must start with ":10", followed by two characters which define the number of bytes per line (10 hex in your case, or 16 bytes per line). Next comes 4 characters (I think) that define the offset onto the binary image of the first byte defined by this line, then the 16 bytes, and finally one byte for a checksum. the very last line in the file must be a special EOF line, and will start with ":00" instead of ":10", followed by some other stuff that I forget right now (about 6 or eight characters). Anyway, this file is just a printable character representation of a binary image, and has no particular connection to any processor or other device. Hex<->Binary and Binary<->Hex converters are widely available, but it is still going to take some detective work to figure out the target processor. CIAO - Martin. On Thu, 11 Dec 1997 17:06:59 +0000, Paul BRITTON wrote: >Hi, > >Can anyone help with this tricky problem. > >I've been given a hex file, but wasn't told which processor >it is for, (it could be a PIC), I've tried an 8051 disassembler >but it's not 8051 code. > >Any ideas? > >It looks like this: >from 0000 -0FFFH contain just 0FFH >and then ... > >:10100000A20000A2FF09A2FF0BA2FF08A2FF0AA2F2 >:10101000EF06A28000A22000A72000FC2208D03505 > >This looks like a table of jumps.( Anyone know which processor >has 0A2H as a jump instruction? > Martin R. Green elimar@NOSPAMbigfoot.com To reply, remove the NOSPAM from the return address. Stamp out SPAM everywhere!!!