Eric, Dave and others have provided good advice but if your are going to use the display in a write-only mode, study the timing of the commands. For example, the Clear Display and Cursor Home commands require at least 1.64mS. The rest of the commands (excluding reading the Busy Flag which does'nt apply in your case) requires at least 40uS. - Tom At 02:15 PM 11/8/97 -0800, you wrote: >Hi Dave, ( And everyone else who replied to my cry for help. ) > >Looks good. I'll have to try the file out. Also, if the I/O is write only, >that means a shift register could be put in to shift out 4-bit data using >only 2 I/O lines. Add 2 data lines to the E line and the C/D line, and you >have 4 I/O pins for the LCD. Not bad. > >Thanks for all your help. > >Later, > >Eric > > > > >______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ >Subject: Re: HD44780 LCD and 4-bit mode using 16F84 >Author: DREITEK at INTERNET >Date: 12/9/97 4:06 PM > > >In a message dated 97-12-09 15:49:45 EST, you write: > ><< > > Thanks in advance, > > Eric > >> >Eric, >One more thing.....The code I sent in the previous Email, assumes that the RW >line on the LCD display is tied low. That will save you one more I/O line. >For most things you don't need to read from the display anyway. > >Dave Duley > >