Ok, I've got a question - I want to build a device which keeps track of how much energy a power-line-connected device (AC, Freezer, light, fan, whatever) draws over the period of a day or week or month or ... I had figured to use the toroid method mentioned earlier for measuring current, with some other means of measuring voltage (just to be complete and slightly more accurate - shucks, I could even compute power factor if I can get 'near- instantaneous' voltage and current measurements). I want to be able to enter our cost per KWH, connect a device to it, and come back in some random period of time to see how much power it used, and how much it cost to run (it would be nice if it also computed daily and monthly costs, based upon the measurments it took, as well) But, hey, if someone has already created such a beast, why recreate it when time is the important thing right now... So - does anybody know of such a thing? rusty (rusty@azfms.com or rusty@descomp.com) (And I never can remember - is OT OFF topic or ON topic??? ;-)