Hi all, The growing popularity of PicNPoke Beginners Simulator has led to another addition to the software called PicNPlay. Still in the spirit of the beginner, PicNPlay allows you to connect a variety of components to the PIC 16F84 processor. These components include logic gates, LCD display, 7 seg displays, A 2 D converter, resistors, leds, logic analyzer, square wave generator, a variety of switches, power nodes etc.. The user can run wires to the PIC and each component and draw practically any combination of circuit components. Some circuit ideas could be, the infamous beginners flashing led, multiplexing 7 seg displays, keypad entry to the LCD display, monitoring PWM. The PIC code is simulated along with the circuit and runs at a fast pace. Break points and single stepping are supported. Also, some user codes can be inserted into the source code to control the simulator which can be used to skip delay routines etc. Any compiler will ignore these codes as it will treat them as a comment. That way you do not have to go back over the source code to restore any changes. I have a demo version available if any one is interested, (approx 360K zipped) alternatively try http:///www.dontronics.com More components are in the making but it's hard to find time with a little one whos teeth are making a debut. Tony Just when I thought I knew it all, I learned that I didn't.