-----Original Message----- From: Joe Little To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Monday, December 08, 1997 22:52 Subject: More on MIDI I can add some Debug code to the PIC to buffer the Cakewalk commands then re-transmit them out at a standard BAUD rate to another terminal... But I can think of more fun things to do. Anyone know of a Windows terminal program that can work at 31250 Baud????? Easy answer, none. It is not up to the terminal program to determine what baud rates are possible, it is the UART. To acheive a baud rate of 31250 you would have to change the crystal on an UART card. For example, change the crystal so that a setting of 38400 in the terminal program gives an actual baud rate of 31250. TTYL and good luck.