Hi Dave, ( And everyone else who replied to my cry for help. ) Looks good. I'll have to try the file out. Also, if the I/O is write only, that means a shift register could be put in to shift out 4-bit data using only 2 I/O lines. Add 2 data lines to the E line and the C/D line, and you have 4 I/O pins for the LCD. Not bad. Thanks for all your help. Later, Eric ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: HD44780 LCD and 4-bit mode using 16F84 Author: DREITEK at INTERNET Date: 12/9/97 4:06 PM In a message dated 97-12-09 15:49:45 EST, you write: << Thanks in advance, Eric >> Eric, One more thing.....The code I sent in the previous Email, assumes that the RW line on the LCD display is tied low. That will save you one more I/O line. For most things you don't need to read from the display anyway. Dave Duley