Most GPS receivers output some kind of latitude/longitude information via RS-232. If you are dealing with GPS chip set instead of a receiver, I believe it still comes out as either RS-232 or TTL-level sync or async data. Try: (Trimble is one of the big end-user and OEMs) (Garmin is also big into small GPS units ). ---------- From: Randie Ohtsji [4555] Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 1997 2:33 PM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: gps Hello, I am interested in more information on GPS. Does anyone have any good links? Questions: 1) Has anyone interfaced a gps receiver with a pic before? 2) Source of low-cost gps receivers? 3) How accurate are they? 4) How do you interpret the data and calculate your location? Any information would be appreciated! -Randie ________ Randie Ohtsji / ____/ /__ ____ ____ ___ _________ email: / /___/ / _ \/ __ \/ __ `/ / / / __/ _ \ Glenayre R & D / /_\ / / __/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / __/ Vancouver, B.C. CANADA \____/_/\___/_/ /_/\__,_/\__ /_/ \___/ Phone: (604) 293-1611 x4555 ________________________/ / Fax: (604) 293-4317 /_________________________/