Due to the large number of responses I have had to the Maynard Hill " auto pilot" I thought that a responce here would be OK rather than send a responce to everyone.. I can't put my hands on the magazine at this time but will try to find it. For now I will try to explain as best I can remember. The theory of operation is that there is a static charge in the atmosphere. The radio active particles keep the sensors from building up any static charge. They used 4 sensors in 2 pairs. one on each wing tip for roll stabilization, and one on the nose and tail for up and down stabilization. The sensor were then input to a op amp and the output from it tied into the radio control servo of the necesary control. As someone had commented anything that would upset this static field would interfer with the auto pilot. one time when a thunder storm was about 30 miles away I turned it on and the thing went crazy. It was so sensative that to test it you would run a comb through your hair and hold it next to a sensor.When it was about 6 inches away the control would start to deflect. I will try to find the article, but for those that are really interested I think that the article was in a 1974 issue of FLYING MODELS. Also any one wishing to may contact me. Bob Nelson rinelson@tcccom.net