At 03:06 PM 12/8/97 -0500, you wrote: >What is the purpose in putting radioactive substances in these brushes? Is >it to help ionize the air so there will be less static buildup? > >Sean > > For those that are interested.... Polonium (e.g. Po-210) is predominantly an alpha particle emitter. Alpha particles (in the energy range that are emitted by Po-210) travel very short distances in air (i.e. << 1 cm) and are used to help dissipate static build-up on the brush (the alpha particles have a postive charge and, therefore, have an affinity for electrons). The same thing applies to the use of radium sulphate. The alphas can cause ionization in air and in materials that they impact on. Note that alpha particles in the energy range emitted by Po-210 are harmless to your body - unless the Po-210 is ingested (accidentally or otherwise). The alphas have insufficient energy to penetrate the dead skin layer of the human body. Gary Pepper e-mail: