As a result of the glowing recommendations in this list, I went out and bought a copy of The Art of Electronics a few months ago. I agree that it is a very good book, but there are two other books that have been around for years (mine is probably 20 years old and still relevant) that are being overlooked. The Radio Handbook The ARRL Amateurs Handbook. (i think this is the name). Of the two, I would recommend the Radio Handbook as the second book is more specific to amateur radio. IMHO, The Radio Handbook is actually a better tutorial and reference than The Art of Electronics, and every few years it gets an "upgrade" in the form of a new edition. I think my copy from 20 years ago was the 20th edition. It covers everything from the basics up to sophisticated analog and digital electronics, including obviously, RF, and unlike The Art of Electronics, also includes some simple to complex construction projects, including test gear. Add to that a better reference section at the end of the book, and I believe you have a superior "must have" guide for anyone involved in electronics. Do I sound like a fan? I am. On Mon, 8 Dec 1997 08:58:11 +0100, Thomas Magin wrote: >At 19:57 05.12.1997 -0500, you wrote: >> For years now I have been mainly dealing with digital electronics, >>however my knowledge of analog and rf technoligies is extremely lacking. I >>was wondering if anybody out there knows links to sites on the net that are >>perfect for a begginner in analog and RF electronics. Thanks in advance for >>any info. TTYL > >maybe a book ? > >Horowitz & Hill >The art of electronics >2nd edition >Cambridge > > >So long > >Thomas >=8-) > >********************************************************** >* Thomas Magin FON: ++49-761-4543-489 * >* marquette-Hellige GmbH FAX: -507 * >* Emergency Systems email: * >* Munzinger Str. 3 * >* D-79111 Freiburg / Germany * >********************************************************** Martin R. Green To reply, remove the NOSPAM from the return address. Stamp out SPAM everywhere!!!